These pictures are proof that the United States is Bankrupt. The powers that be are determined to merge Canada, The United States of America, and Mexico into a North America Union.
Many people in all three countries are expected to oppose this action, and that is why the JackBlack false flag nuclear attacks on all three countries is being considered by the powers-that-be.
This blog is a request to the powers that be to reconsider your plans. You do not need to vaporize millions of people to merge these three countries and push propaganda to justify vaporizing IRAN.
We are all members of the same species. We achieved the wonders of the computer age by working together not by fighting.
You control the media, the military, and the money. You have the power to SELL the idea of this merger to the people of all three countries by being honest about the financial condition of the US Dollar.
Prior generations made many mistakes which led to horrible world wars. The fallout from our financial day-of-reckoning does not have to turn into an ugly civil war or worse.

We all need to work together to restructure society to live without depleting what is left of our natural resources. To start we need to STOP the practice of engineered obsolescence. We need to reduce the amount of work people need to perform to live on a day to day basis. We need to reduce the amount of money [resources] that each person consumes.
All of this can be accomplished by redefining our ideal lifestyle in a peaceful manor. You do not need to fear an armed population unless they need to fear you.
So please have your think tanks chew on these thoughts. This blog is for the public to comment on this material.
God Bless us all!
NLE 10 is a Tier 1 military exersise set to run May 17th - May 21, 2010.
This exersise is going to simulate a 10kt nuclear bomb going off in a major city in the western part of USA.
Let's all hope that the PTB do not attempt a re-run of the 07-07-07 London Bombing exersises that went LIVE during the drill!
Pre 1971, the USD was backed by gold at $35 per troy oz. That is the only reason it was accepted for international trade.
There is a rumor that the NAU Federal Reserve Note will be backed by Silver fixed at $200 per troy oz. And, gold will be left to float freely on the world markets.
Given the BREAKING NEWS that China took delivery of 1600 tons of FAKE TUNGSTON 400 oz bars, and that the London Gold market only has 1% physical backing of its paper-gold trade;
Does anyone wish to hazzard a guess at where gold will trade at after the dust settles?
(my guestimate is $10,000 - $15,000 NAU Dollars)
Congrats. You can use Photoshop.
APPENDIX TO REGULATION H - Revised 3.23.2010
The Federal Reserve Bank /..../ (not-for-public release) The exchange rate is scheduled to be one NAU dollar for every ten USD for the duration of the exchange period. /......../ The NAU will not mint coins for circulation and the smallest denomination of currency is one NAU dollar. /...../
Hi-Res pics of this money can be viewed on this site:
Where does the nuke picture come from? Why June 22? Just curious
The nuke picture is out of OPERATION BLACKJACK.
Click here for link
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